How To Cure Maagsweer
Beside using medicines, we can cure our maagsweer through more simple ways that does not expensive and even free.
Many peoples don’t know that there is ways to cure maagsweer without medicines, only by simple methods that ussualy use by people in old days.
Here is some easy tips to cure maagsweer :
• Rub your stomach slowly about 200 times, while doing stomach breathing. Put your right hand on your stomach, and your left hand on your chest. Rub it around in opposite way, do it slowly until your stomach and chest feel warm. You can do this exercise by standing, sitting, or laying straight in bed while and breath deep into the stomach (stomach breathing exercise). Do it twice a day in the morning and afternoon before or 2 hours after you eat. Its better be done using your own hands. If there is an improvement you can add the number of rubbing. If you feel you have cured from your maagsweer. You can change the rub into slapping your stomach softly until it turns red. After your stomach get used to this exercise, you change it into hitting your stomach softly to make your stomach muscle trained well and your body tenability improve.
• Suck your tongue, so that the saliva comes out from its gland, then swallow it.Fold you tongue to the ceiling of your mouth, then suck it to produce lots of saliva. If folding your tongue still does not produce lots of saliva, try to provoke it with something sour, for example pineapples. Take a bite to provoke the saliva. This tongue exercise can only be done if your mouth is in healthy conditions. If you have toothache you better skip this exercise. Saliva is good for digestion and killing germs.
• Do the walking every morning and afternoon slowly and regularly for 30-60 minutes. Do it in open air where there is fresh air, it will help your blood circulation and make the stomach muscle strong. After the body warmed up and sweats a little, take a relax potitions by laying down and take a deep breath, or even better if you take a sleep for a while.
• Avoid eating food that that contain lots of fat, like milk, egg, coconut milk, crisply baked, peanut, etc. You can only eat meat and milk that does not contain lots of fat.
• Avoid drinking alcohol, cofee, or the using of vinegar.
• Drink honey.
• Eat soft foods, vegetables, and lots of fruits.
• Don’t eat red pepper, pepper, or hot foods.
• Try to get used to sit or stand straight and sturdy. Lift your stomach up so that your bilge is not closed up and able to work normally.
That is all I can tell you about some of the methods that can be use to cure maagsweer.Hope this information can be helpful to those who have maagsweer.
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