Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Cure Maagsweer

How To Cure Maagsweer

Beside using medicines, we can cure our maagsweer through more simple ways that does not expensive and even free.
Many peoples don’t know that there is ways to cure maagsweer without medicines, only by simple methods that ussualy use by people in old days.
Here is some easy tips to cure maagsweer :
Rub your stomach slowly about 200 times, while doing stomach breathing. Put your right hand on your stomach, and your left hand on your chest. Rub it around in opposite way, do it slowly until your stomach and chest feel warm. You can do this exercise by standing, sitting, or laying straight in bed while and breath deep into the stomach (stomach breathing exercise). Do it twice a day in the morning and afternoon before or 2 hours after you eat. Its better be done using your own hands. If there is an improvement you can add the number of rubbing. If you feel you have cured from your maagsweer. You can change the rub into slapping your stomach softly until it turns red. After your stomach get used to this exercise, you change it into hitting your stomach softly to make your stomach muscle trained well and your body tenability improve.
Suck your tongue, so that the saliva comes out from its gland, then swallow it.Fold you tongue to the ceiling of your mouth, then suck it to produce lots of saliva. If folding your tongue still does not produce lots of saliva, try to provoke it with something sour, for example pineapples. Take a bite to provoke the saliva. This tongue exercise can only be done if your mouth is in healthy conditions. If you have toothache you better skip this exercise. Saliva is good for digestion and killing germs.
Do the walking every morning and afternoon slowly and regularly for 30-60 minutes. Do it in open air where there is fresh air, it will help your blood circulation and make the stomach muscle strong. After the body warmed up and sweats a little, take a relax potitions by laying down and take a deep breath, or even better if you take a sleep for a while.
Avoid eating food that that contain lots of fat, like milk, egg, coconut milk, crisply baked, peanut, etc. You can only eat meat and milk that does not contain lots of fat.
Avoid drinking alcohol, cofee, or the using of vinegar.
Drink honey.
Eat soft foods, vegetables, and lots of fruits.
Don’t eat red pepper, pepper, or hot foods.
Try to get used to sit or stand straight and sturdy. Lift your stomach up so that your bilge is not closed up and able to work normally.
That is all I can tell you about some of the methods that can be use to cure maagsweer.Hope this information can be helpful to those who have maagsweer.

Variety of Simple and Easy Breathing Exercise

Variety of Simple and Easy Breathing Exercise

Shoulder Breathing Exercise
This shoulder breathing exercise is usefull to enlarge your upper lungs. This breathing technique will help to fix your bent body and thicken your chest. For people who has asthma, bronchitis, or cough is suggested to practice this breathing exercise.
How to do shoulder breathing exercise ?
Raise your shoulder up when you inhale and lower your shoulder when you exhale.Face up when inhaling and face down when you exhaling.

Chest Breathing Exercise
Chest breathing exercise ussualy do when we exercising or doing sports activity.
How to do this exercise ?
When you inhale move you rib up so that your cavity push forward.When you exhale lower your rib, so the chest will narrowed. Face up when inhaling and face down when you exhaling.

This breathing technique is usefull to fix bent body, narrow and thin chest.
By doing this chest breathing your body will be sturdy, your chest will be thicker. In other word we will have a perfect respiration and live healthy.
Even though this breathing technique is good, this kind of exercise can only done when we exercising or doing sports activity. It can’t do when we lay or stand still, because in this exercise the lungsworks stronger. Cavity stand still or not lowered as ussual. Lungs doesn’t have the freedom to move down, so it must move up, forward, and to the side. The lungs will trained well, wide, round and ticken.
Chest breathing exercise can enlarge your chest, so for those who has narrow and small chest is suggested to train this exercise often. Remember that people with thin and narrow chest will never have perfect respiration and live healthy.

Stomach Breathing Exercise
How to do chest breathing exercise ?
When you inhale puffed up your stomach, your cavity or diafragma ussualy bent up, flattened, because the stomach puffed up.Diafragma is enlarging.In the opposite when you exhale, diafragma is bent down, the cavity narrowed, flatten your stomach.
This exercise can be done in lay, stand or sit positions. Avoid doing this breathing technique in running competition, boxing, wrestling, hernia patient. Stop doing this exercise if your stomach is bigger enough or more bigger than the chest.

Side Breathing Exercise
Side breathing exercise is usfull to enlarge both side of our lungs, so the ignored side can also works like the other parts. The side parts of or lungs is also parts of our lungs that has to be train, so it also works well like the other parts.
How to do ?
Basicly you only need to give order to your side of your lungs to enlarge as you inhale and exhale. Meanwhile the other parts is ordered to stand still. Do it by turns to each side of your lungs.

Complete Breathing Exercise
What is mean by complete breathing exercise is the combination of shoulder, chest, stomach, and side breathing exercise. It also called as perfect breathing exercise.
To do this breathing technique, first you must mastered each of the exercise above. If you can do those exercises perfectly, in turns you have achieve the perfect breathing.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Breathing Techniques


Healthy breathing is very important for our live. It can help us to take care of our body's health far away from many disease and make us agless.This breathing technique that we are going to learn is very simple and easy but full of benefit. Young, old, even children can do this training anytime and anywhere. So lets begin our first breathing technique :

1. Rhythmical Breathing Techniques

You can do this exercise in a sit, stand, or lay down position.

Step 1
First thing to do before you start this exercise is relaxing all of your muscles. Then exhale your breath until the last of it through your mouth. Do this repeatedly. This was ment to clean your lung from dirty air.

Step 2
Start with inhaling the breath through your nose for 3 counts (3 seconds). Head face up while inhaling.

Step 3
Exhale the breath through your mouth with a long a…….h (or ih,uh,eh,oh) sound for 6 counts (6 seconds). Head face down while exhaling. Round your mouth while exhaling, it will make the exhaling process becomes more perfect and it will train our vocal so it becomes more softer and more powerfull.
Repeat the exercise.

This exercise was called Short Inhale, Long Exhale with a 1 : 2 comparison.
If you have mastered this exercise, you can increase the counts of your exercise to 5 : 10 (5 counts inhale : 10 counts exhale ), and increase it more and more. But don’t do the escalation too fast and force your lung too hard. Forcing may damage your lung. Do the escalation slowly, you can add it only if you had mastered the 3 : 6 (3 counts inhale : 6 counts exhale )exercise and your lung already get used to it.
By training this exercise 15 minutes a day (the longer the better result you will get, but don’t force it), i guarantee you will see great improvement after 2 - 3 weeks of training this excersise.You will be change from a weak to strong and healthy person
If you had train long enough the 1 : 2 comparison breathing excersise, it is better to improve it to 1 : 3 ; 1 : 4 ; 1 :5 ; etc.
You will be amazed with its result, because your breath will become longer, and your health will be much far OK.
With short inhale, long exhale exercise all the bad air in our lung will completely wipe out, so there is no possibility for the seed of disease to stay in your body.

Do you know ?
Each time we exhale the artery in our organs is open, the muscle will loosen, and the blood pressure will decrease. And in the opposite way when we inhale the artery will become smaller, the muscle will tighten, and the blood pressure will increase.
So its very suggested for hipertension patient to do this exercise, because it will you to reduce your high blood pressure within short times. It also good for asthma, bronchitis, and new TBC (have spots in their lung but didn’t have holes yet) patient.

The remain of bad air in our lung will poison our body, it must be taken out completely. To prove it do this experiment, keep your breath in a bottle for few days, when you open the bottle it has rotten smell, and inside of it we can see germs.

Attentions !!!
This exercise is not suitable for TBC patient that has a holes in his lung, it may cause the wound become bigger and will endanger the patient. So for TBC patient is suggested to consult with the lung specialist to know about the lung conditions first.

After this we will learn another breathing technique in EXERCISE 2 (long inhale, long exhale)